Photo Tips

Meet Another Mama Who Will Inspire You!

Me Ra Koh

We have all types of women who come to our photography workshops. Some women don’t own any thing more than a Point and Shoot camera and borrow our cameras for the weekend. Some women have paying clients and want to feel more confident about the mechanics of photography. Some women are just feeding their spirits and doing something for themselves with no intention to ever have a business.

Michelle was the women who had photographed several hundreds of families. She was coming to one of our Seattle workshops for a dose of confidence building and after the workshop this is what she said;

“The workshop was a huge catalyst for my business. The day I got back from the workshop I switched to digital completely…The workshop was great for the technical side of my pictures, but it was dinner with YOU that was even more important. Your encouraging words ( or “marching orders” as we joked that night) were exactly what I needed to take my business to the next level. I raised my prices, updated my business model and changed my branding. I was completely terrified that it would alienate my clients but the response has been overwhelmingly positive. I am already booking clients into November and December. Now I just wonder why I didn’t do it sooner!”

Michelle’s story gets me so excited! She was super gracious to let me give her “marching orders” at dinner that night. I had reviewed her website and could now see how great of a person she was, she had to raise her prices and take her business to the next level because she was so worth every penny. You should see the new beautiful branding materials and stationary she’s now sending to clients! She mailed Brian and I copies of every thing a couple months back, and I knew I had to introduce you to this wonderful lady. Her “getting started” story is so down to earth. And her answers below are packed with tips that you will love!

So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax and listen to one woman’s story of how she’s following her dream!

(Michelle and her beautiful family! Could those girls be any cuter!!)

1. When did you start your business and what was the turning point of taking it from a hobby to a business of charging people and putting up a website?

Michelle’s Answer: I started taking pictures professionally (getting paid for it!) about seven years ago. I read a quick book about photography (by quick I mean I read it while standing in a coffee shop and I was 8 months pregnant with my second daughter. I wasn’t standing very long for ANYTHING at that point!). It was by Nick Kelsh called How to Photograph Your Baby. He gave simple ideas for framing pictures. For the first few months I didn’t even cover my costs but my husband quickly put an end to that. I did not get a website for at least four years because I didn’t really think it was necessary. How silly was that?!?

2. What inspires your photography?

Michelle’s Answer: I just love taking pictures of kids!

I love the challenge of getting natural smiles and capturing the sparkle in their eyes. In fact, I won’t take pictures of big people unless they bring little people with them. (I get asked to do adult head shots all the time but I’ll only do them at the end of a family shoot.) I also really enjoy reading the blogs and websites of other photographers and seeing the types of photographs they take. That’s where I’m drawing a lot of inspiration these days. And I love having “photography” play dates with Mom’s who are photographers. (Mind you, there are no kids there. Just moms having the play dates!)

3. What is the best and toughest part about doing this while being a mom and wife at the same time?

Michelle’s Answer: The toughest part is I usually can’t give 100% attention to something I’m so passionate about. (I’ve got two of my girls in line to talk to me as I’m typing this answer right now!) During the day it’s my girls who need my attention and at night it’s my hubby who wants to chat with me so I feel like I have a split brain. Good thing I’m an excellent multi-tasker!

The best part is I can set my own schedule so it has minimal impact on my family. I shoot on weekend mornings and some weekday mornings when everybody is in school. (This is the first time in 8 years that I have all three of my daughters in school at the same time. Yahoo! It’s only three mornings a week, but it’s the light at the end of my tunnel!) I feel so blessed that I do something that I adore and it provides all of the fun extras in our lives like vacations, new computers, fixing the car breaks. (Okay the last one isn’t that much fun.)

I also love that my kids see me achieving something great. I’m showing my girls they can follow their passions and be successful at whatever they set their mind to. My daughters all want to be photographers when they grow up too!

4. What is one piece of advice you’d give to newbies?

Michelle’s Answer: I am a big believer in the K.I.S.S. philosophy. (Keep It Simple Stupid) For the first five years I was in business I used window light exclusively to take pictures. I had a king sized black hotel blanket that I attached to my kitchen wall (using binder clips). I moved all of the furniture back and used some greenhouses window as my light source.

I had just one camera and one lens. For a minimal investment I was ready to do business. I also gave away a lot of pictures in the beginning to get my name out there. (Donations to auctions, visits to mommy groups…) Ooops! That’s two pieces of advice. Drat!! I’ve got on more too. Remember that with the kids and families there is always a ‘do-over’. It’s always given me confidence to know that if I’m having a bad day shooting pictures I could always have the family come back in. I’ve shot over 600 different families and I’ve only done two re-shoots, but it’s just nice to know I can!

Meeting Michelle in person was a total kick!! She bursts with energy! You can’t help but smile when you’re around her. And get this, Michelle actually left early the second morning of the workshop because her sister was having a baby! Of course Michelle needed to be there for picture taking! But can you believe she drove all the way back to the workshop to finish out the rest of the day! (which by the way Michelle, when we do our next Seattle workshop, you know you are more than welcome to come to the second day to get whatever you missed–one excuse to see you again! :)) All of us at the workshop even got have a peak of what she captured!

Michelle, can we ask you questions in the comments? 🙂 For example, what was your first lens that you used? Where did you get your “binder clips” for your backdrop? Your idea of “photography play dates with other moms who are photographers” is so genius! What do you do when you get together? What does a typical play date look like so other women can emulate it? Michelle also mentioned Nick Kelsh’s book, How to Photograph Your Baby.

This was one of the first books I bought when I was just getting started. I had a lot of fun with it. You can find it here! Thanks for reminding me of this classic Michelle!

If your in the greater Seattle area and want a wonderful photographer to take family portraits for you, check out Michelle’s website! You can’t go wrong with this inspiring lady!

p.s. Her blog is pretty fun too! 🙂

Love you Michelle! Thanks for being such a go getter and sharing your wonderful spirit with all of us! You are a total inspiration!


Check back tomorrow because I’m going to announce the NEXT LOCATION for our Photography Workshops for Women! Yeah!!! Brian and I are so excited!! If you haven’t voted on what city you’d like us to visit next, you still can today! Click here to vote!


  1. Dorian says:

    Yeah, Michelle.
    It was so fun to be that workshop and see what your doing now. I was so sorry to miss that dinner but can’t wait for the forum so I can pick your brain.
    Thanks Me Ra for glimpses into the lives of the women who are jumping. Hope that made sense. I just finished the mom’s survival kit. It was wonderful.

  2. […] Go to the author’s original blog: Meet Another Mama Who Will Inspire You! […]

  3. Michelle,
    You are such a kick. I love that your kids are actually standing in line. They are so well trained.

    Great photos and new website/cards/etc.

  4. Denise says:

    Beautiful post! I love the Q and A you do now – they’re really helpful!!

  5. Me Ra says:

    Dorian, your statement made great sense! Isn’t it great to see women jumping!! And I can’t wait for the forum too! I’m working with Karen, my business coach, on her first column! It’s going to be so rich and wonderful for women! I’m so glad you enjoyed the Mom’s 101 Kit too!

    Brian, honey…what does “the man behind the woman behind the mythe mean?” 🙂

  6. […] Me Ra Koh Photography Blog wrote an interesting post today on Meet Another Mama Who Will Inspire You!Here’s a quick excerpt We have all types of women who come to our photography workshops. Some women don’t own any thing more than a Point and Shoot camera and borrow our cameras for the weekend. Some women have paying clients and want to feel more confident about the mechanics of photography. Some women are just feeding their spirits and doing something for themselves with no intention to ever have a business. Michelle was the women who had photographed several hundreds of families. She was coming to one of our Seat […]

  7. Claudia says:

    I am on my way to go and do a “photo shoot” with my neighbor’s kids and reading this just gave me a great burst of confidence. Thank you for sharing this story today. I couldn’t have asked for better timing. Michelle – what an awesome story. Looking forward to hearing about the playdates. Great idea!!!

  8. Kelli says:

    Love the spotlighting moms posts! They give that boost of confidence just when I need it…thanks Mera.

    I am dying to know where the workshop is. I am praying that it is here in Chicago…I will keep my fingers crossed. If it isn’t you can still change your mind. I will furnish you with lists of cool places!!

  9. Michelle says:

    These spotlights are great for boosting courage and motivation for us moms trying to get started!

    Michelle – truly inspiring. Love your name, too! 🙂

  10. Jen Sulak says:

    random question to ANYONE.

    so weeks go by since you took pictures of the bride…for her portrait session…

    you hear nothing.

    not an “i liked them”
    not a “they’re awesome”…

    what do you do!


    i’m sure i’m not the only one who wonders whether the clients liked the pictures or not!!!!! lol!!!!

    have a super day everyone!

  11. Thanks for all the kind words Me Ra! I am definitely going to take you up on the offer to come to the second day of your workshop again.

    Answers to questions… The first camera and lens I used was a Canon Rebel film camera and kit lens. How bad is that?!? I didn’t know any better and my clients didn’t complain. Ahhh. Those were the days. Now I’m saving up for an “L” series $1200 lens. Yikes!

    Binder clips. Such a funny question! Remember those metal clips you used to hold papers onto your denim covered p-chee binder? That’s was I used. In fact, I’m still using them. You can get them at any office supply store. The reason why the are so great is that they have a hole on the top so you can slip them over any nail in the wall and they release the fabric if it’s pulled on too hard. (Like by an active toddler.)

    Photography Playdate. It’s really nothing formal. I just know quite a few gals who are starting photo businesses or just really like to take pictures. We get together and show eachother techniques, favorite websites, props, marketing materials, whatever we are working on. It’s fun to work on the digital files in Lightroom too. Everybody has a different take on what makes a picture look good so it’s fun to see what they do.

    Did I answer everything? I’ll check back later tonight just in case.

    I’ve already gotten a couple of email asking about how I got started and that seems like too much to leave in a comment. I’ll try to put a blog post out there and I’ll include some pictures I took with that camera and kit lens.


  12. One more thing Brian… I thought it was better to have my kids wait in line rather have them wait to have their number called!

  13. Judith says:

    Michelle, Woohoo! You are an inspiration to all of us “playdaters”…..thanks for all the support and encouragement! Thanks for posting these mommy spots Me Ra, they are totally encouraging!

  14. I admit..this is my first blog post..ever! Welcome to the 21st century Jami:) Seriously though, I just had to leave a comment because Michelle is such a wonderful talent and person. She has taken pictures of my family on several occassions and in the last few years has been a huge resource for me in getting my own photography business off the ground. I remember our first photography “play date”. My business was still a big pipe dream and after spending a few hours with Michelle, I realized this big dream could actually be a reality (love that K.I.S.S philosophy). I will be forever grateful for Michelle’s support and willingness to share. Thank you so much Michelle. I wish you continued success. You deserve it!
    MeRa- Thank you for this wonderful blog. It is such a fantastic source for encouragement and inspiration. I hope to have the opportunity to meet you very soon.

  15. Lauren says:

    Michelle, what great pictures and what a fantastic story! I come to Me Ra’s blog every day (or…8 times a day) for encouragement and laughter (and sometimes tears, because don’t we just need to share those too??).

    I am sooooooooooooooo inspired since finding Me Ra’s blog in January. I’m gonna do it!! I took a deep breath and asked a friend if I could do her family portraits this weekend at the park and here we goooooooooooooo!!

    It’s so great to know there are other moms out there who have jumped in head first to try something big and scary like “starting a photography business” without so many of the formalities – like ‘professional classes’ and such. I don’t have the time or money for classes and now I can tell myself, hey they might be nice and informative, but they aren’t required!

    Fantastic job, both Michelle and Me Ra.

    Also crossing my fingers for Chicago!

  16. Rachel says:

    MeRa –
    This is such a small world! I came out to read your blog as I always do, and the mama you are featuring is someone I went to college with! Michelle, if you are checking these, it’s great to see you doing so well – your pictures are adorable!

    -Rachel (Carr) Carroll

  17. Michelle – Way to go! Being so new to this, your K.I.S.S. philosophy is really resonating with me right now. And I love your idea of the play dates. Keep up the great work. I loved looking through the galleries on your Web site.

    PS – Also, being that I have three children of my own, I really gain inspiration from someone else trying to be a wife, mom to three kids and running a photography business at the same time. You have a beautiful family!

  18. Hi Rachel! It IS a small world!

  19. Addie says:

    Michelle, this is such great news!!! It is always so heartwarming to see someone’s creative passion take off and lead them to wonderful places and people! And it is always great to see a busy Mom getting to put her talent out there and then getting such a positive response to something that she loves! I’m so happy for you! And can’t wait to see the ride your talent takes you on! Who knew that the Thai food and coconut martinis would actually be a pre-celebration?!!! Congrats and best of luck always.

  20. Do you guys have a recommendation section, i’d like to suggest some stuff

  21. Doyle Dysart says:

    It was a very nice theme! Just wanna say thank you for the data you have apportioned. Just continue writing this kind of post. I will be your true reader. Thanks again.

  22. Congratulations on a great life blessed with beautiful kids..