Photo Tips

30 Portraits of Babies Using Window Light and Shadows

Me Ra Koh

Who Loves Chubby Baby Legs?  Right?!

I just want to squeeze those chubby, baby legs!!!  I think chubby, baby legs are one of my favorite things in this world!   In Your Baby in Pictures, I walk you through the photo recipe to capturing your own version of chubby, baby legs.  We followed similar steps with this hands-on shoot at the workshop.  We had mom wear black pants for a black background (this way we don’t have to worry about setting up fake backgrounds).  We also had mom hold this guy right above his belly button.  You can’t seem mom’s hands, but that’s how he is standing.  If you wait until baby can stand on their own, their legs will already be slimmed out.  We also used a white couch to help his legs pop that much more.  SO CUTE!!!  Right?!!

Me Ra Koh shows you how to accenuate your baby's story with 30 Portraits of Babies Using Window Light and Shadows


