Photo Tips

Photographing Children: Monkeys Jumping on the Bed!

Me Ra Koh

Today I’d like to share some thoughts on photographing children.  What happens when you Refuse to Say Cheese and see your kids about ready to do something you know you’ll want to remember? Here’s what happened for me!

It was nap time, and Pascaline loves to take her naps in the guest room. Blaze wanted to give her a kiss goodnight, (but we all know he just wants to keep playing) and for whatever reason I had energy to play along with it.

He crawled up on the bed with her and started to cuddle, I was totally surprised at how sweet they were being, so I grabbed the camera.

Recipe: I wanted natural light instead of having to use my flash, so I bumped my ISO to 800 since 400 wasn’t giving me enough light. I dialed my aperture down to a 2.8 and set the shutter speed at 1/60. I knew at 1/60 shutter speed, I’d probably get some blurry shots, but it was okay because I wanted to accentuate their motion.

Two Little Monkeys…

"Refuse to Say Cheese" when photographing children with Me Ra Koh, The Photo Mom


  1. Janelle says:

    These are great – I love how you captured their playfulness. I’m getting more and more excited as the days near the Feb workshop! 🙂

  2. Amanda says:

    Your Tips for Moms are so great! I have really been enjoying them and looking forward to new ones every week. –this one speaks especially to me as it just brings together the whole reason why I got into photography to begin with, -to treasure those moments -most of which are impromptu- and capture the feeling in a picture. sometimes I have to let go of the need for perfection, do the best I can for the moment and then enjoy it with the kids, then the memory is complete and I don’t feel like only the spectator. Thank you for this!

  3. Valium. says:



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