Photo Tips

Shooting an Empty Background with Purpose!

Me Ra Koh

Have you ever tried shooting an empty background in your photos?  Winter is a great time to try!

Snow is so beautiful. Last night we went sledding with the kids after dark. It wasn’t planned that way, but that’s how long it took us to get them dressed and out the door. 🙂 Yep, it was dark. The cool part is I never noticed how snow sparkles in the dark from window light. For a moment, I was wishing I had my camera and tripod.

But when you’re out in the snow with your friends and family (and there is still daylight because you are much faster at dressing your kids in snow clothes than me and Brian), how the heck do you shoot good photos with all this white stuff around you?

How about shooting an empty background while making sure it has purpose.

What do I mean?

Here’s a family photo we got yesterday. I’m not trying to pick on the person who shot this–a complete innocent bystander who volunteered.

Found this post on shooting an empty background from Me Ra Koh, The Photo Mom

I was actually happy when I saw the results later that night because it’s such a great example of what so many people do. We let there be too much background. Is background bad? No, I love empty space or background with a purpose. In fact, sometime check out the movie The Brothers Grimm. The director, Terry Gilliam, is amazing in how he uses wide angle shots all the time and every square inch of the background is pointing to the subject of the frame–always enhancing the story.

But often we don’t think of the background having a purpose and just shoot the photo. What if we moved in a little and filled the frame.

Found this post on shooting an empty background from Me Ra Koh, The Photo Mom

See how much stronger the story of the image is?

Or what if we allowed background but kept it empty to add a quiet effect.

Found this post on shooting an empty background from Me Ra Koh, The Photo Mom

In our workshops for women, we talk about composition and how important this is to your image. With snow surrounding you, experiment with your composition so that the background is totally white. Take advantage of all the white. But make sure you’re in close enough so it doesn’t look like the white is swallowing your child. You want your child to fill the frame keeping the Third’s Principle in mind (see DVD 1 for more on the Third’s Principle).

Found this post on shooting an empty background from Me Ra Koh, The Photo Mom

Brian and I got down the mountain just in time to see Pascaline take her first chairlift! You would have laughed if you saw us! Big cameras, hiding behind trees with our huge lenses. But look at what Brian caught. He was specifically trying to get an all white background.

Found this post on shooting an empty background from Me Ra Koh, The Photo Mom

Then he decided to re-frame and let some of the scenery in. But he made sure the scenery wasn’t icky stuff. He wanted the background to accentuate the story of the image.

Found this post on shooting an empty background from Me Ra Koh, The Photo Mom

Out of curiosity, which composition makes you feel like Pascaline is higher?

So before I leave this post, I have to show you a couple more shots of the kids. If you remember how traumatic ski school was from the Photo Tutorial for Ski Lessons post, you’ll cheer at how far they kids have come in three days! Pascaline’s moved up from being a Never Ever to a Mogul Mouse! 😉

Pascaline is the last one in her class coming down the slope!

Found this post on shooting an empty background from Me Ra Koh, The Photo Mom

Found this post on shooting an empty background from Me Ra Koh, The Photo Mom

And Blazie took a couple runs with dad on TWO skis! He told us he’s not interested in learning how to stop, only going fast. 🙂

Found this post on shooting an empty background from Me Ra Koh, The Photo Mom

Found this post on shooting an empty background from Me Ra Koh, The Photo Mom

Found this post on shooting an empty background from Me Ra Koh, The Photo Mom

Yeah for the Mogul Mice! 🙂

Found this post on shooting an empty background from Me Ra Koh, The Photo Mom

Let us know how the background exercise goes! Post your pictures while shooting an empty background to my Facebook page for some feedback!

Couple more recipe notes…

I am staying at a 100 ISO because of how bright the snow makes every thing.

Our aperture is a 2.8 for a nice blurred background.

We were shooting with the 70-200 mm lens.

Despite moments of tears, this was still the winter family trip of a lifetime!  For more family travel adventures to New Zealand, Thailand, Israel, Jamaica and more, check out our Adventure Family YouTube channel! And SUBSCRIBE, please subscribe!  ?




  1. MelodyA. says:

    The one with the mountain range seems higher cuz we now have something to reference the chair to.

    What an amazing experience for the kids. Going to practice composition now.

  2. Jen Sulak says:

    oooooooo i like the prize on that one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lightroom!

  3. […] Here’s another interesting post I read today by Me Ra Koh Photography Blog […]

  4. Jen Sulak says:

    one more question mera….are yall shooting in raw? i’m curious to see what all the pics look like before anything is applied to them?

  5. Alice Trieu says:

    hey mera,
    I love your recipe and stories on your ski trip in Vail! I love the pics of your kids on the slope; to see the smallness of them in a giant ski slope, is absolutely a delight!

  6. Amanda Mays says:

    As always thanks for the recipe & tips! I think that pascaline looks higher in the picture with the white background. It looks like she’s up in the clouds and gaining elevation.

    Can’t wait for those actions I live on actions, I should learn how to do my own one of these days 😉

    Working out some last minute kink’s but I thing I might just make it to Napa!!!! Hooray!

  7. I have to say that I completely agree with both of the “elevation” answers, yet another question that has no one right answer. However, as far as “feel” goes, the white background makes me feel like she is higher, but I have a feeling this is a trick….LOL

  8. caitlin says:

    I agree with the poster that said the one in the clouds looks higher. Very cool.

  9. Kay Beaton says:

    great photos – it looks like you guys are having a blast! Thanks for all the tips & inspiration!

  10. Kate Cox says:

    The white background gives more of a feel of higher elevation than the trees……looks like everyone is having a great time now! Let’s hear it for the Mice!

  11. Liza says:

    I definitely think that Pascaline looks higher with the white background. She looks as if she is continuing to go higher and higher as if she’s not high enough already!

  12. Christiana says:

    I think the white background looks higher! She’s pracically in the clouds.

  13. Amanda Mays says:

    So… are you going to tell us which picture is actually higher? 😉

    I’m super stoked to be joining you in Sonoma! Can’t wait till April!!!