Photo Tips

Tell Us About a Mom Running on Empty!

Me Ra Koh

Moms are amazing in countless ways!

This mom is Theresa. She is probably going to freak when she sees this on the blog today because we’re finishing up their family portraits (and this is definitely a sneak peak shot for her!). I love how her little guy is just cuddled into her and loving on his momma. Running the August Special for Portraits was worth every minute (thinking about doing it again in September or October depending on interest–let me know!).

I’ve loved being able to focus all my attention on family dynamics while shooting a portrait session. And it’s got to help that I’m also a mom because I’m looking for the shots that I WANT of myself with my kids. I would die to have this kind of shot below with Blaze or Pascaline! BUT the BEST part is our clients reactions when they get their photos because EVERY family shoot is the same (kids riding a fine line of being out of control, parents frustrated b/c they’re worried I wasn’t able to get any thing :)).

So here’s the contest part! In honor of how wonderful moms are and all that they do and give, Brian and I have reserved one spot in the October 19th workshop for a special mom you nominate! That’s right, she’ll get a free pass to the beginner workshop! Here’s how it works!

Post a comment telling us about a mom who you think deserves a big break in life! If your a mom, you’re probably laughing because we ALL deserve a serious break. But the moms we’re looking for are the ones who have had a ridiculous amount of stress in their life whether from trauma or things just not going her way this summer. She is a mom in your life that needs a serious blessing to come her way. She needs a surprise giving her empty tank some fuel. If she is a woman that has miscarried, she is still a mom in my mind b/c I know her heart became a mother’s heart the moment she found out she was pregnant.

We’ll collect all the nominees, post them up for you to see and vote, and then announce the winner in the next couple weeks!

Nominate her today, and turn her day around! Be sure to let her know you’ve nominated her too! If I was a mom nominated I’d love to know that my friends were thinking of me whether I won or not.


  1. I’d love to nominate my wife who needs a serious break from the everyday.

    Ruth is the most giving person that I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. We met in high school where I knew her as a free-spirited and amazingly beautiful person.

    Her life now consists of working full-time at one of the busiest units in the hospital…the Pediatric Cardio-Thoracic ICU. She is also my shooting partner/photographic assistant and album designer-extraodinaire. This is all in addition to the “keeper of the house” duties she performs without complaint.

    In the last three years this gentle woman has had to deal with a cancer scare, excruciating back pain of an unknown origin and unexplained hair loss. On top of this our youngest son was born with a hole in his heart which required surgery as well as a stay in, you guessed it, the unit in which my wife works.

    I sense her stress…I feel her pain…I pray for relief. And I stand steadfast by her side because I love her.

  2. Me Ra says:

    Floyd, I had no idea. You two have been through so much! Thanks for nominating her! She sounds like an AMAZING woman, and it’s obvious that you surround her with love.

  3. Dorian says:

    What a wonderful contest.

    I would like to nominate my friend Jess. She is an amazing support to her friends and family. She always offering support when she has just finished one thing for her grandma and is on the way to help another friend. She would make the time if you asked. She does this while raising an amazing daughter and working part time.

    I have an eight month old son. Jess and I were trying to get pregnant at the same time. After a year of trying, her husband decided he wanted a divorce. That was a hard thing to hear yet she wasn’t willing to let him out if it. She asked for a year to figure it out and they are doing a lot better. (seven months later). She’s an amazing friend and wonderful mom.

    She’s truly a gift to those who know her.

  4. Jess Wernes says:

    I didn’t see any rules against nominating yourself, so I’m going to do just that. In fact, I haven’t even shared the full story of how tough the past couple of months have been since I’m not one to let others worry unnecessarily.

    This summer has been a tough one, to say the least. In July at an regular exam, my doctor discovered a lump in my breast and sent me off for an ultrasound. I cut out caffeine in my diet expecting that by the time I had the ultrasound they wouldn’t be able to find anything. Well I was wrong and there was “something” so we moved on to the next step and scheduled a biopsy.

    Then, the first week in August, my 2 1/2 year old daughter became terribly sick. At first we thought it was just a stomach virus, but it wound up being much more serious, and she need brain surgery (her 4th brain surgery in all, and a new procedure which would hopefully prevent us from having more failures). It went well and she was on the road to recovery. We spent a week in the hospital and we out just in time for my biopsy.

    Which bring us to this past Monday, when my daughter awoke with a soaking wet head. Something went was wrong and she was leaking brain fluid. As I drove her back to the hospital, I called my doctor for the biopsy results. I figured that things couldn’t really get much worse at that point and thank God they didn’t.

    I’m sure you know how it is being a mom. You want your children to have every advantage in life, and you want to take in all of their pain for them. I feel like a little bit of me dies each time she has to go through this. I feel like I’ve failed her when I have to see her go through such pain. It makes me so sad to think about what my little girl has been through. She is my hero for the bravery she has shown through all of this, for how she comes out of these things and for how she carries on with her life.

    I’m alright and so is my daughter. It wasn’t cancer and my daughter came home from the hospital today. She was spared a 5th surgery.

    My clients have been wonderfully understanding through all of this, but I still feel like I’m letting them down. It’s time to decompress, regroup, and hit the ground running.

  5. Kat Willcox says:

    I was thinking about trying to coax my husband into writing in and nominating me, but after reading the previous posts, I just can’t. I have had hard times and at times I think that I am going to loose it, but I have to say that my child is healthy (and sleeping in the other room) and I have a great husband and my health is pretty good. So to the other women that shared…thank you for reminding me of the strength of a woman. I know I have it down deep, I just needed to remember that and dig a little deeper. Women have such power and influence. We can either be catty and gossips or we can inspire and empower. Thank you for the kick in the pants that I so desperately needed.

  6. Tess says:

    Hi Me Ra!

    I know three extraordinary Moms that I want to nominate, and I can’t choose between them, so I’d like to nominate all three!

    My friend R is a wonderful photographer and artist. Last year, she walked through a difficult third pregnancy where she face an unexplained massive seizure & the threat of another one at any time, with two young children at home! After delivering a healthy baby boy, she faced the sudden loss of her beloved father to cancer. She maintained her easygoing smile and attitude throughout it all.

    My friend T faced breast cancer this summer & her only thought was to shield her loved ones from the pain of it. She has already faced the tragedy of losing a baby late in her pregnancy. Both of these situations didn’t change her caring and giving outlook on life.

    And last but not least, my friend P is a fabulous mother to four children. . While she didn’t face any curve balls that many of the other deserving nominiees faced this year, I am nominating her because of the grace-filled way she lives her life. She faces the challenges of raising & home schooling four children with an attitude that only hints of the bottomless well of love and energy she has for people. From the energetic, clever and sleepless two year old, to the complex issues a tween faces in today’s society – she parents deliberately, kindly and with no thought to the tremendous pateince and energy it requires of her. At the time of your workshop, she will have finished moving her household & would benefit from your wonderful workshop. I’d love to fly her out and personally drive her to your workshop from BC if she is the winner. Then I get to say “Hi” to you!

    Thanks, Me Ra and Brian, for allowing me to share a little bit of the stories of these amazing women!

  7. Me Ra says:

    The nominations so far leave me speechless. I think one said it best when she thanked these women for reminding her the strength and courage women carry despite their circumstances.

    Thanks so much for nominating and sharing. Feel free to keep them coming in.

  8. Kimberlyn Totten says:

    Wow, What a reminder to the strength and courage it can take to be a mom. I can relate to many part of these ladies stories and I just want to thank them for sharing. It is a comfort to now we are not alone in the challenges life, health and raising kids can throw at us sometimes. As I was reading these posts, my 5 year old daughter was happily singing along with her electric Barbie guitar. The words to her song said it all…”I’M A SURVIVOR” She ended with a big finish, (arms in a flexing her muscles kind of stance) and yelled “YOU GO GIRL!” Me Ra thank you for being a survivor that has shared your story and helped others heal. I have learned that the pain we sometimes have in life is used by God to shape us into what He longs for us to be. Our pain also is not always about us, it is a means of reaching the hearts of those around us in imeasurable ways that we don’t even know or understand. Blessings on trying to pick a winner!

  9. Kari says:

    I gave birth to one baby, but I am a mother of four.

    A year ago my husband and I essentially rescued my 3 beautiful nieces from the abuse and neglect that my brother and sister-in-law’s mental illnesses had inflicted on them. With only a few days notice, our tight, cozy family of three doubled to a family of six!

    The last year has taught us more about love and more about tragedy than ever before. Time and time again I have had to stand in the gap as the waves of mental illness crashed up against me and my family, threatening to tear us apart. Standing firm this year has been an exercise in prayer, community, love, and perseverence. We have gone through the excruciating one-step-forward-two-step-back legal system and we have had to undo all of our original plans and dreams as we readjusted to caring for and nursing back to health three additional children. Time and again I have wanted to give up and each time the Lord gives me just enough respite to keep going. My 2 year old son and my three beautiful girls are my new life — not the one we had planned, but Joseph Campbells says, “We must be willing to get rid of the life we had planned so as to have the life that was waiting for us.” Amen.

  10. Faith says:

    When I met Alishia I was 12 years old. I wanted to be just like her. I remember when she was home from college and her hair was cut short and she had painted her tennis shoes and I wanted short hair and a pair more than I wanted anything else. She was older and wiser and had the most delicious sense of humor. I remember thinking as a kid, “did she just say that? That is the most hilarious, I think my guts are going to spill out.”
    Fast forward many moons and I am blessed to call her one of my closest, most beloved friends. She feeds me and lets me take showers at her house when the plumbing is out. She lets me thumb through her books and use her dishes and take part in all the hilarity of her household. She gives the best advice you could get even when life is dire and all the while…making you laugh so hard your face starts to ache from laughter. I remember we hired her to take photos of my family…I even laughed when I got the prints back. I can never escape without a smile, forced by Alishia.

    Alishia found out she had ovarian cancer this past February. She had a toddler and was pregnant with her second baby girl. She had talked about opening up a little spot in her house to take photos of mothers and their infants as she had done before. I wish I had the resources to make it happen then and I know she still dreams of that someday.

    They had to remove one of her ovaries and a tumor. They were unable to do anything further as to not jeapordize the life of the baby. There is a second surgery scheduled next week and they are prepared to remove the second ovary or send her through chemo. She, not unlike most of us, does not want to give up on having more children.

    She is burnt out. We live in hot, hot Phoenix. Her husband is a teacher and making ends meet is not always easy. She loves photography and she loves Washington. She loves her babies. She loves being a mother. But she needs a damn break, especially before the chemo option is on the table.

    When I grow up, I still want to be like her. But, she stands 6 feet and 2 inches tall. I will never be as tall as Alishia, nor will I ever have a heart and the strength she has.

  11. christa says:

    Hi Me Ra,

    I’ve been a fan of your work since my friend Raya came to visit earlier in the summer and told me about your site.

    This is a fantastic contest idea!

    I’d like to nominate my sister, Alishia for the spot in your workshop. I’m sitting her at her computer in her cute little “craft room” in Phx, AZ. I arrived yesterday from Seattle to spend the next 6 months helping her with her 7 week old (Gianna Maria) and nearly 2-year-old Stella Maris. Alish has her hands full (as most moms do) but she’s thankful for the most recent family addition (Gianna) mainly b/c while she was 5 months pregnant having an ultra sound they found a tumor on her ovary. It turned out to be stage one ovarian cancer. She had the tumor removed while still pregnant and this July our family welcomed healthy Gianna into the world! Alish still has some surgeries to endure before she’s out of the woods. I’m hopeful the doctors will find no further trace of the cancer, but that remains to be seen.

    My sister loves photography and would absolutely LOVE an opportunity like this. I think it’d make her year, if not decade (besides the birth of Stella and Gianna that is).

    Alishia’s blog:


  12. Sue Christianson says:

    Hi Me Ra,
    What a great idea to have a contest like this. I have just finished reading all of the stories. It really helps put things into perspective. We really don’t know what people have been through in life. I love your blog and once again it has been so inspiring. I want to attend the workshop sooooo much. I told Randy, I need a hobby now that the kids are almost out of here. I might have to wait and catch it next time.:( Thanks again to both you and Brian for all that you do. You guys are an inspiration! btw. We got Brittany’s pics on pictage. AMAZING!!! 🙂
    Thanks again.

  13. Christiana says:

    Hi Me Ra,
    As soon as I saw that you are offering a spot free to a Mom in my October workshop I thought of my friend Kari who introduced me to your blog. After reading through I saw that she has been nominated so I’m hoping to up her chances by adding to her story!

    I’ve not seen someone do such a selfless act for children as Kari and Dave have done for their three neices. Everytime I hear a new chapter in their story I think “Thank God those girls have them” (and not in the offhand “thank God” way – truly thank God!).

    I’d love to see her have a small break…with grown ups, where she can let her creativitity expand (not that being a mother of four doesn’t demand creativity on a daily basis!). Please consider her again.

    I wouldn’t want to have your job picking!

    Thanks for you blog! It is a real inspiration to me!


  14. Totally would nominate Mrs. W. (who has to be running on empty after our daughter has had NINE surgeries in the last 4 years), however, she’ll be in Texas for a wedding of one of her college friends on 10/19. 🙁 We’ll try again next time. 🙂

  15. landry Major says:

    I would like to nominate my friend Marla. She is an amazing person to so many people. She is a wonderful single Mom who has raised a great 13 year old son alone. She has managed to put her son through private school alone, by working two jobs. She works with Autistic children during the week, and has scars on her arms and hands from where some of her clients have bitten her. On the weekends she does photo party favors at Bar mitzvahs. For her last birthday she got a camera and keeps saying she would love to learn how to use it, but just hasn’t had the time. It would be a great creative gift for her! Thanks for considering her…

  16. Dustan says:

    Me Ra & Brian,

    It must be faith that I saw your blog post today, my wife is the one who subscribes but every once in a while I take a look. I would like to nominate her for your mom contest. She would so enjoy the learning experience and definately deserves it. She is a new mom of a beautiful one year old, awesome teacher, wonderful wife, and all around great person. She is always such a giving person and recently had her heart crushed. On a Saturday we had our daughters first birthday party and there was Wendy snapping away, she had been taking all these great photos all day. I mean she did the cake thing and the ballons she really wanted to send the photos off to the grandparents that couldnt make it. Anyways it was a busy weekend for her and on Sunday she had a bridal shower. She spent all day preparing for the birthday party and as the guests left she started preparing for the bridal shower. Sunday her best friend showed up to give her a ride so someone could borrow her car. As they were making numerous trips to the car to load all the food and gifts someone stole her camera. She got to the party and relized she didnt have it and guessed that she had left it behind. When she returned home that night and realized it was gone she was devastated. She was upset that she had lost her cherished rebel but the thought of loosing her babies first birthday pictures still brings tears to her eyes. We got the camera when our daughter was born so we could capture every moment and that is exactly what she did. She is a natural. Myself and others are always amazed at what she does with no education in photography. Your workshop would be a dream experience for her.

  17. Raya says:

    Hi Me Ra,

    I have to second Christa’s nomination of her sister Alishia. Alishia is probably one of the coolest moms I know and has handled this intense time gracefully.

    Being pregnant myself, I can’t imagine finding out I have ovarian cancer while carrying a baby and having to have surgery at 5 mos. Throughout Gianna’s development and birth she has seemed to be just taking it day by day. Her husband Jamie is wonderful, but with work and trying to get into law school (he’s currently a teacher) you can imagine how crazy their life is right now. With two little girls to take care of and more impending tests and surgeries, I know she could use a break.

    Alishia also shares a love for photography that would make this really special. She has been photographing moms and kids in her area recently, so this workshop would benefit her in more ways than one.

    Choosing someone is not going to be easy since all these ladies are so deserving, but just wanted to put in my two cents and let Alishia know we love her : )



  18. Krista says:

    Hi there,

    I third Christa and Raya’s nomination of Alishia!

    Christa is one of my best friends, and not even two weeks ago, she moved to AZ from Seattle to take care of Alishia and her adorable little babies while she goes through this tough time.

    Alishia has a huge interest in photography; I know this because I read her blog from Seattle. I’ve also learned through reading her blog what an intelligent woman Alishia is. I’m inspired by the fact that she (like many moms) has devoted her life to the simple things in life, every day – such as diaper changing, coloring, and raising amazing little people!

    It would be a great escape for her to go to this workshop.


  19. […] 1. Friday, September 7th, is the last day to nominate a “Mom Running on Empty” for the October Beginner Workshop! Post your nominees here! […]

  20. […] 4. We’re still accepting nominations for this so feel free to post your nominee here! […]

  21. Chris says:

    After reading all of the entries here, it’s hard to think that my wife would be chosen, but I must nominate her anyway! Her story isn’t one of illness or tragedy, but simply the “she deserves a break” kind. The last 18 months have been a major whirlwind of stress and activity in our household and all along my bride Sara has been carrying the burden on her shoulders.

    After learning in April of ’06 that I’d be transferred with my job from San Diego to Northern California, we put our tiny 900 sq foot home on the market. Our daughter, Lucy, was barely a year old, and the routine was just settling in – only to be interrupted by having to keep the house clean all the time for open houses and endless walk-throughs. Sara managed it all, and I’m not really sure how!

    We found out (much to our surprise!) the next week that she was pregnant! Luke would be due in February of the next year.

    Since we didn’t know where to live when we moved to the Bay Area, we (me, Sara, and Lucy (and Luke!)) lived with Sara’s parents for 3 months while we hunted for a home and made it suitable to live in. We moved into their house in August and into ours in December. I was immersed in work trying to make our new life make sense and get adjusted while Sara was hanging in there – sick, pregnant, tired, and chasing Lucy.

    Luke arrived in February.

    I found out in March that the company that encouraged me to transfer was going to be laying me off work in early April.

    I’m happy to say we’re in better shape now…but it’s time for a break!!

    Sara has been our family’s rock – the foundation that’s held it all together. All this change – selling a house, moving in with family, being 9 months pregnant with a 22 month old running circles around you, watching your husband get laid off and stressing about whether we could make ends meet – was enough to put anyone over the top.

    Meanwhile, Sara has been keeping her chin up, staying positive, and has been slowly but surely pursuing her dream to grow her new photography business. She is the most giving, caring, and loving person I know – and she has a real gift with photography that is just waiting to blossom.

    I’d love to give her the opportunity to get some time for herself – something that a stay at home mom with two kids in diapers/aspiring entrepreneur really doesn’t ever get. She loves you, Me Ra – all that you are about and stand for and have built – and I’d love for her to get a chance to get away, meet you, and just get to indulge herself for once!


  22. Bruce says:

    Hi, Me Ra. I want to nominate Jessica Wernes, who has faced great difficulties this past Summer, but has handled it all with grace, composure, and strength. This would be a wonderful blessing to her!

  23. Sally says:

    I’d like to cast a vote for Jess Wernes. She is a remarkable woman with a heart of gold and strength most of us wish we could muster. After all she’s been through she deserves this!

  24. Jimmy Kent says:

    Jessica’s story is heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time. I hope she is chosen for a much-needed break.

  25. kenneth chen says:

    Hey Me Ra,
    I vote for Jess Wernes. My heart goes out for her baby Kendall bravely going in for multiple hospital visits. Jess
    is incredibly strong, independent, and
    has a sharply keen eye and talent. I have had the honor to know Jess briefly as we were both living
    in the Hoboken area and sharing clients
    in the community. My portrait biz is relatively new and Jess was welcoming from the beginning to me as a friendly competitor. I miss having her in Hoboken as we had become fast friends sharing stories, shop talk,
    and information with the majority of the giving and sharing coming from Jess’s end. Jess
    had introduced me to many great resources
    in and has always been there for me,
    so know she would be a great friend
    and asset to have in the classroom and in anyone’s life.
    Best to all,

  26. Jason Groupp says:

    Me Ra and Brian – you guys rock!

    First, I’d like to say what a great idea for a workshop and your offer to take a nomination is so generous. You guys continue to be such a positive and supportive role model in this community.

    If I may – I’d like to nominate Jess Wernes, as well.

    Not only is she a great mom, who’s been through so much, but she leaves out the part she has TWINS! Being a new dad and learning how to manage my business and family life, I cannot imagine 2 babies at the same time. And the thought of them getting sick is unimaginable to me.

    I also want to say that Jess is also a VERY TALENTED PHOTOGRAPHER who I have had the pleasure of working with at some of my weddings this year. She has always delivered fabulous images back to me!

    Me Ra and Brian, before you make your decision make sure to check out her work because I think your seminar is EXACTLY what she needs to re-energize and refresh!

  27. Brigitte says:

    I vote for Jessica Wernes. I was her client during the recent stressful events, and she was as professional as ever during our photo shoot and delivered another consistently fabulous product (an invite for my son’s 1st bday). The calls just started rolling in about how much everyone loves the pictures. I would love to see her have a chance to further develop her talent in your workshop and get a small break. She certainly deserves it having just survived 3 very stressful life events in rapid succession.

  28. melisa says:

    I vote for Jess Wernes. She is a wonderful photographer & person. She derseves the very best for everything that she has gone through. Her work of my children is amazing. I relive the moments every time I look at them. I intend to have Jess capture many more moments of my children’s lives.

  29. Suzanne says:

    I would like to nominate Jessica Wernes. For most people moving house is the single most stressful thing to do, but Jessica did it without complaint whilst one of her two year old twins, Kendall, was also undergoing brain surgery. She truely is a deserving nominee and a very special person who is always smiling throughout!

  30. Danielle says:

    I’d also like to vote for Jess Wernes. She is an amazing person on both a personal and professional level. The strength she has is an inspiration to me. Her son and daughter are lucky to have her as a mother as am I to have as a friend and an awesome photographer. Her work that is hanging in my home is constantly getting complemented. With everything Jess has been through, she always has a smile on her face. I hope you get to know her through your workshop.

  31. Susie says:

    I would like to nominate Jessica Wernes -one of my closest friends. She has such strength and love. Jessica does such a wonderful job of raising her twins, taking care of her family and being a wonderful friend. She truely deserves this -after the hardships she’s faced in the past few months, this is just what she needs!

  32. Anne Weakley says:

    I would like to nominate a friend and new photographer Amy Shaw. She has three wonderful children here on earth and three little babies in heaven. Most recently, this past spring, her and her husband lost their baby boy, Oskar, the day before he was to be delivered. He was born still at 9 months due to a rare and unforeseen complication. I remember it clearly because it was the day after I helped her purchase her first digital SLR camera – primarily for the birth of their new baby. Previous to that, they had lost a twin at 20 weeks gestation in another pregnancy and another baby in the first trimester while ministering to others in East Asia. Since the latest loss, photography has found them and they have fallen in love with it. She recently called it a “healer” for her. They just recently started a photography business at the same time that her husband was relocated in his job – it is their 16th move in their ten year marriage. Through it all, she remains positive and just emailed me that “I am able to truly enjoy babies again. I haven’t been able to hold them yet, but I am enjoying them and feel a new doublefold healing inside: a peaceful acceptance that I’ll never have Oskar here in this earthly life and a budding hope that there may be another of my own flesh and blood to hold someday. Sometimes I feel like a buoy on the water. I get pulled down under and it feels trapping and suffocating at times. But then I feel it, rising in me again–sailing on the Holy Spirit’s power, shooting me with incredible speed and power, spearing me up out of the water and higher than I had ever been before!” So, what a great pick me up and encouragement and good learning opportunity it would be for her to be able to attend one of your wonderful workshops! Thanks for encouraging someone with this wonderful opportunity!

  33. Cheryl says:

    I support the nomination of Jess Wernes. Jess and I have been friends for years and she is one of the strongest and most dedicated woman and mom I know. Please let Jess have this experience to refuel and enjoy her photography.

  34. molly says:

    I would like to nominate Jess Wernes. I have know Jess since we were pregnant together. Since the first time we spoke, I knew Jess was a special person. She is an amazing mother as well as talented photographer. Jess has always been there for me and she deserves this more than anyone!

  35. […] We’ve been working on the mom’s Running on Empty contest since last week and have the coolest surprise, and I was so excited to announce the winner first thing this morning. But can you hang in there with me while we try to get things up and running? (Thank God we have every thing backed up in two, three, even four places!) […]

  36. […] I asked a handful of beautiful women (who are also moms) to be the judges of the “Running on Empty” contest–too hard for me! They are; Tami Sanders (the better half of Dane Sanders and amazing mom to FOUR kids), Carey of Barefoot Memories (beautiful mom of two and phenomenal portrait photographer), Davina Fear (inspiring mom of FOUR and incredible wedding photographer–I got lost in her blog the other night–such beautiful work), and last but most incredible, my mom, Cherri, (mom of 3, plus grandma, plus unending giver, and encourager, and I could go on and on). […]

  37. […] Kari was also one of the winners for the “Running on Empty” contest! It was so wonderful to have her join us, and Brian and I got the special treat of having dinner with her after the workshop. We laughed so much my side hurt! (love you Kari!) […]

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  44. […] asked a handful of beautiful women (who are also moms) to be the judges of the “Running on Empty” contest–too hard for me! They are; Tami Sanders (the better half of Dane Sanders and […]

  45. […] going to announce the winner of the “Running On Empty” contest a week from today. The nominations have been inspiring, as so many have already expressed. […]

  46. […] In case you missed the blog post about nominating a mom for a seat in our October workshop, check it out here! […]

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