Discover. Explore. Apply (today!). SOAR!

Me Ra Koh

The 2010 SOAR! Scholarship begins today ladies!Β  WOO-HOO!

Go to the SOAR! WEBSITE for all the juicy details!Β  Discover the new prizes (check out the SONY DSLR this year!!)Β  Explore the forum! Apply to be one of the THREE Recipients, and you may find yourself SOARING this year!

Got questions? We’ve got you covered!Β  Post up all your questions on the forum, and Linda, Jennifer or Lindsay will be on hand to answer them for you!Β  Take advantage of their wisdom and experience ladies!Β  They are so excited to help our new recipients SOAR!

Deadline to apply is Monday, December 20th!

Be sure to meet ALL FOUR video requirements before uploading!Β  (hint: see #3 thru #7 on the FAQ)

So many things to be thankful for with this year’s Thanksgiving.Β  SOAR! stepping into its’ second year is one of them.Β  I also want to give a special thanks to my amazing husband, Brian, who has been working for a couple months on all these details with a team of amazing people under him.Β  Babe, you make it possible for me to soar.Β  i love u.



*To hear from last year’s recipients, click any of their names; Linda, Jennifer and Lindsay!



  1. s.patel says:

    i am going to take the leap and apply this year!

  2. Stephanie says:

    Thanks for giving this wonderful opportunity again. I cant wait to see this years videos. I already feel so blessed being able to attend the DC workshop so i cant wait to follow soar this year

  3. Me Ra says:

    Yeah!! The scholarship is open again! So much work to get to this place, but we did! Year Two has begun!! So excited to see ALL your submissions!!!


  4. Lindsay says:

    Oh, I’m so excited for this years applicants!! The excitement, and anticipation that is to come is so hard and amazing at times. I can’t wait to see what you all come up with!!

    Shine On,

  5. Elizabeth says:

    Okay, I tried to view the application videos the three soar ladies did, but they all just stop about 30 seconds in. The second video comes through fine. Tried on the mac and the pc, same problem. What am I doing wrong?!

  6. jeramy says:

    wow. here you go! good luck to all the applicants! happy turkey day to you and the fam from us. πŸ™‚ brady says hi to his brother.

  7. Delanae says:

    Oh I am just so excited! πŸ™‚

    I’ve had this cute little camcorder for almost a year and I’ve been so busy with my DSLR that I haven’t really used the camcorder much at all. I guess that is about to change. πŸ™‚


  9. Lynde says:

    Good luck, applicants! I cannot wait to see the videos this year! πŸ™‚

  10. Debbie Allan says:

    Good luck to everyone who applies.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you MeRa, Brian and family and Genie too.

  11. Rhonda says:

    I LOVE that there is already electricity in the air about this. I too am so excited for this year’s applicants – and for those of us who get to support them along the way πŸ™‚ I can feel another magical year coming up!

  12. […] sure you check out yesterday’s blog post.Β  SOAR! 2010 is live and open for your beautiful applications and video submissions. Deadline is […]

  13. Amazed that a new Soar!year is already here.For anyone on the fence as to weather to apply for Soar scholorship or not…Just take a deep breath and take the leap! The process of applying is a gift in and of itself. You will be taking the first step in flapping your wings and joining a flock that is truly beautiful and inspiring. Scholorship or not, it’s a journey worth taking, you will never be the same.Keep in mind we all are learning to soar weather in the lead or at the tail. Have Fun and Leap!Happy Soaring to all!