
He Caught Me!

Me Ra Koh

In the late afternoons when the heat isn’t as intense, or at night when Buddy and Dori are hanging out on the ceiling above me, I’m working away on a couple new book projects. Yep, a couple! I’m so excited! The contracts have not been finalized so I can’t say much more than that right now, but as soon as I can…you BET I’ll spill the beans with all of you!

There are so many wonderful memories we will be taking home with us when we come to the end of our time here, and writing in the heat of the jungle will be some of my favorite personal memories.

But what do I mean by personal? The types of moments that weren’t so much about family adventures and discoveries, but more so about feeding my personal growth. You must understand, I’m not even a good camper! Don’t mistake me for the REI goddess! It’s not me! You can ask my parents and brothers, I’m usually the first one to pick up my dinner and forfeit the sunset off the back deck b/c of ONE yellow jacket buzzing around. The fact that I’m living with a camping stove to cook on, and steroid pumped geckos above my head, and typing this under my mosquito net b/c of the flying termites and over zealous heat, heat, did I mention the HEAT?!…is…well…let’s just say these conditions are not necessarily me!

In many ways, I came to the jungles of Thailand because I knew it would be beyond me. It would stretch me. Take me to another level of knowing myself and yet not break me. I came with a hope to not only ignite the sense of wonder in my kids but feed my own creative spirit. Photography feeds me in numerous ways, and writing, writing is a gateway into my most intimate self.

When I look at the image below, I feel like Brian caught me as my writing self. The look of peace in my eyes, the quiet around me with only the laptop to illuminate my face, the absolute rest I feel inside as I write away (even though it’s 95 degree heat in the shade), and there is sweet Pascaline working on her homeschool behind me… All of these details and emotions come to mind when I see this image. This is a moment in time I will always treasure. This is a place my heart will come back to when the stress of life starts to swell in height.

Thanks hon, for catching this moment of me.

xoxoxo, m


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  1. jeramy says:

    i knew it! so glad to hear about your book(s)! i can’t wait to see you guys when you get home and hear about all of the amazing times. soak it all up…you’ve got a great opportunity here. we are happy for your family! take care.

  2. beck says:

    Deliberate living. I love it.

  3. Christina says:

    Wow, MeRa you are an inspiration in many ways to say the least. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Nicky says:

    LOVE these pictures of you! You do look so peaceful!

    How cool that you are in this place! Learning, growing, resting!!

    God is so good! What a blessing you are to so many!

  5. Freida says:

    You have me in tears. You are beyond inspiring. Thank you for sharing your life… and sharing so much of YOU…

  6. Sharon says:

    I’ve been praying for you daily!
    And it’s cool because no matter how I start to pray…
    I always end up praying for you to rest and find peace!

  7. Genie says:

    awwww, sweetness!! so good to see YOU.

  8. denise karis says:

    so sweet – I love those photos – I hate the heat – I live in arizona – I hope the monkeys dont come and carry you away – wed really miss you – I just woke up – can you tell?

  9. Michelle says:

    Aww, that post and photos made me cry too. The look of peace and joy is just beautiful.

  10. Kelli says:


    Really so glad to hear you are having such a wonderful time..I am definitely searching for that place that brings that moment of inner peace…You look so relaxed and content in that photo..has to be a wonderful feeling! Have a wonderful time on your journey!

  11. Sue Christianson says:

    What a great place to be writing! In the Jungle! You are amazing Me Ra! 🙂

  12. Michelle says:

    You look so “at peace”.

    Love the pink laptop! =)

  13. Pamela S. says:

    Aren’t love & life & experiences that stretch you wonderful? Blessings, ps

  14. Melanie says:

    Thank you for sharing so much of yourself (and your experiences) with us.

  15. Melisa says:

    I purchased Refuse to Say Cheese and Beyond the Green Box a couple days ago…… I cannot even explain how excited I now am about photography. I got my first DSLR for Christmas and have kept it on Aperture priority mode I am so excited to try all the things your videos have taught me. Thank you. If you ever do a workshop in the Washington area I would love to be a part of it.

    Also I love the fact that you and your family are living in Thailand for 2 months and sharing it through your blog. I love reading about your daily adventures!

    Thank You Thank You Thank You (I really mean it)

  16. Your Little Bro says:

    This is the picture that goes on the back of the book. It’s great seeing you like this. I love you Me Ra. From a coffee shop in California with a mug of green tea. Shauni

  17. The last portrait of you reminds me of how it feels to write. How special to have that feeling captured by the man you love and who knows you better than anyone. You look so at peace, so at home. I can’t wait to hear more…

  18. Mike Wise says:

    Man…I am hooked. Just what I need another blog to check every day…Darn you guys!! 🙂
    Wishing you safe travels..and many “catches” with your family.

  19. What a beautiful post Me Ra! I have been a long-time blog stalker and so inspired by your life and work!:) My husband and I are headed to Thailand next month and reading your adventures have me excited beyond words! I can’t wait for your next post! 🙂

  20. Paris Parfait says:

    Wonderful post – you’re so right about stretching your limits and not being broken. Beautiful photos of you and Blaze and of you!

  21. annie says:
