Artist Living

If She Can, We TOTALLY Can!

Me Ra Koh

Wednesday is often our day to feature an Amazing Mom–a woman who is real and going after life with courage and kids in tow.  Today, I’ve got one of the most AMAZING moms ever.  My grandma!

I had the most wonderful lunch with my grandma last week.  Just the two of us.  She turned eighty this year and is more beautiful than ever!

There is nothing like time with your grandma.  They have this amazing gift for loving on you.  If you were the President of the United States or a struggling college student, they would love you just the same–through and through.  She filled me up in ways that no one else can, and I couldn’t help but wonder why I let life get so busy and not make more time for the two of us.

I mean here she is at eighty, and she drove herself to the Verizon store months ago and got herself an iPad.  She is the texting QUEEN!  She knows more text abbreviations than I even know the meaning for!

And she’s on Facebook!  I can’t help but think what a conscious choice it was for her to step into the arena of all this technology and find her way.  Without any of us knowing, she signed herself up for classes on how to write and send emails, surf the web, all of it.  Just amazes me.  My grandma has every reason in the world to not adapt, but she mustered up the courage to step into the unfamiliar.  And now I’m blessed to get little love notes left by her on my Facebook page, and Pascaline has a “textpal” with her GiGiMa.

When I asked her if she had any special plans for the next five years, she laughed.  But then she started listing off all the places she wants to go and things she plans to do before she turns eighty five.  She has serious plans.  Could I answer that question with such clarity and confidence if someone asked me?

After I dropped her off, I got to thinking…it can be so easy to get stuck in our ways.  It can be so tempting to decide you are only going to approach life one way because that is the way you’ve always done it.  But what if, what if you opened yourself up to trying things you’ve never tried–even if you weren’t sure you’d find success–but just for the sake of trying.

I’m thinking, if my eighty year old grandma can learn to text–what can the rest of us do?

(love you grandma!)




  1. BreAnna says:

    How awesome is your grandma?!?! So inspiring 🙂 P.S. I would have never, ever, guessed that your grandma was eighty!! What a beautiful woman. I bet she has some amazing stories to tell!

  2. jeramy says:

    what a great reminder. seriously. it’s funny how we hold ourselves back from so much, so often. you’re lucky to have a grandma like that. great post. 🙂

  3. Jeri says:

    So much out there that God has for us to experience, journey, adventure in. So many more people to connect with. Countless memories still waiting to be made.

    Thank your Grandma for reminding us to live out loud!

  4. Love this post! And would love a good suggestion as to where someone may be able to find a class that taught how to navigate the internet. I have some family that I would love to suggest it to, and while this may sound like a joke, I am totally serious! I am so happy she was able to find her way!

  5. Dora says:

    I LOVE her! Good for your grandma for not letting a number stop her from living! She’s an inspiration to all of us !! Thank u for posting this awesome story hon! You’re a lucky girl and she’s super lucky as well!!;)

  6. That’s terrific, my Grandma doesn’t even have cable t.v. You are so right, we can do it!

  7. How blessed are you? What a wonderful grandma!

  8. Laura Hanis says:

    Grandma’s are the best! What a special time you two had. @Christine. Check your library. Our library offers lots of classes like that.

  9. ali anderson says:

    first of all – NO WAY. there is no way that *gem* of a woman is a day over 60.
    second of all – this is a woman who gets it. we ALL could benefit from surrounding ourselves with a generation who gets it like that.
    and lastly – when is GiGiMa going to write a guest blog post where she spills the beauty secrets? that’s what i wanna know!

  10. Julie Watts says:

    You aren’t kidding! It’s an attitude….a way of thinking that says “can do.” My dad is on FB and he turned 76 last year!

  11. What a beautiful amazing lady your Grandmum is…with a lady like that in your life it’s no wonder you accomplish the things you do, Me RA! You are both so blessed to have each other in your lives…makes me miss my little Italian Gramma and my own Italian Momma both who left this life way too soon…But they still left memories of inspiration to succeed.
    I applaud you grandmother!

  12. I meant I applaud YOUR Grandmother! She is a strong, beautiful example of a true lady 🙂

  13. Charisse says:

    Wow! Love this Me Ra. Look what amazing stock you come from. No wonder you are you. (smile) Seriously though, I can totally relate to you excitement for what your grandma is continuing to do. Everytime I get a call from my 93 yr old grandma’s cell phone and see her go to the nail salon to get her nails done it makes me smile.

    Cheers to her!