We are taking the kids to Egypt instead of Hawaii. Are the pyramids safe? Is it worth the risk?

When I tell people we are taking the kids to Egypt, I get two responses: The first is sudden, like a knee jerk reaction: “Have you seen the news lately?! Is Egypt even safe to visit?”  The second response, from the same person, comes a few seconds later with a smile that begins to spread wide across […]

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Many of us have "understanding desire" backwards. We are waiting to chase desires with clear, noble purpose. But purpose comes after we...

This weekend I was in TX giving the closing keynote for a powerful women’s conference. I spoke on the topic of understanding desire. There were 1200 women, and there was a rumbling that I felt in my spirit which is hard to put into words.  Twelve hundred women coming together with a single purpose of […]

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She looked at me and knew this mom feels empty. And then she shared some wisdom that changed everything.

When a Mom Feels Empty – Advice for Moms – Dallas Speaker & Author Her words of wisdom gave me comfort as I sat in my remote office at aisle 11, seat D. When a mom feels empty, emotions start to spiral down. Fay, my Life Coach, was with us for over 48 hours to […]

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I sat down with my business coach, and we brainstormed ideas that would give me sustaining energy as a mom, business owner and creative. Here's my list. What would you write?

There is a new term that is swirling in my head and heart these last few months.  The term is Sustaining Energy. Sustaining Energy.  I’ve thought about these two words on a large scale when it comes to our environment and culture, but I’ve never spent much time thinking about the word in application to […]

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I didn't expect my world to change with my daughter turning ten. Instead of a skip in her step, there is a sway in her hip. (Advice for Moms by Me Ra Koh)

I couldn’t help but notice there wasn’t a skip in your step. Instead, there was a sway in your hip. Turning ten has changed everything.

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Repossessed Car Wouldn’t Stop Her – Me Ra Koh Meet Shawna Smith!  This is a woman who has a story that will leave you changed for the better. Shawna emailed me her story of what happened before her first paid shoot.  As I read her story, I sat and cried.  This is one of the […]

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