Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!  I get to eat food again!  And this is not my main tool everyday, all day.  🙂 Holy smokes friends!  When I started the Master Cleanse over two weeks ago, I was praying I would make it to Day 10.  It was hard to imagine only having lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne […]

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This was my morning reading, and I’m wondering if anyone else needs to hear it.  I know that I needed it today. “Wanting to know where we are going is often how we fail to go anywhere at all.  Rather than surrender to the mystery of the creative journey, we want to know each sight […]

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Making your dreams a reality is hard work.  What’s the secret? Well…not sure if there is a “single” secret, but while I was at WPPI this year Dane Sanders from Fast Track Photographer asked if I could do an interview with him on the topic.  What a honor.  Today at 1pm, he’s going to air […]

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With great excitement, I’d like to introduce you to photographer, teacher and mama Beryl Young!  Prepare to be inspired! __________________________ As a freshman in college, I had the experience of hatching, like the ugly duckling, from a timid, awkward, and quiet girl into a confident, extroverted, and beautiful young woman. I can vividly remember the […]

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Self portrait for a new season. What three words would you use to describe the current season you're in?

This is one of those blog posts that I’ve started a dozen times only to find myself deleting the words and restarting.  Fact is, there isn’t any natural way to bring up uncomfortable topics.  But for the sake of my own healing, for the legacy I leave Pascaline and Blaze, for the generations of women […]

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I did something crazy yesterday.  Brian did the “something crazy” starting Saturday.  We’ve started the Master Cleanse.  Have you heard of it?  To my surprise, almost everyone at the Natural Health Food Store has either heard of it or done it.  My neighbor has friends who have done it.  Brian’s sister has coached several people […]

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