Photo Tips

Turning Seven!

Me Ra Koh

Today is one of those days where I have so many things I want to blog about that I don’t know where to start!

I want to write about my new Zumba classes πŸ™‚ (salsa time baby!), or post up the WPPI photos I’ve still yet to do!, or tell you about a few moms who are blowing my mind (breathe Me Ra, breathe). Where do I start?

I think I’ll start with shoes. πŸ™‚

Pascaline turned seven last month, and I can’t think of any better way to show you what seven is all about for this little girl. πŸ™‚

Her birthday started with breakfast in bed. She is my little Ms. Swoony, so any thing that sounds indulging is right up her alley!

And of course you can’t leave Blaze out of the equation–sitting by himself in his bottom bunk. C’mon, give that little guy a Starbucks!

This face he’s making is so him right now. He’s soon to be four but still transitioning out of baby talk and all the attention he can get from it. Any parents of 3 year olds know what I mean?

After breakfast I surprised Pasc and told her that we were going to go to Nordstrom’s today for a new pair of shoes. Just the girls.

She LOVED the big discount rack. “It’s like a world of shoes!” she said.

She LOVED dancing in the mirror next to the discount rack.

She LOVED having the sales clerk help her with another pair, and then another, and then another.

We must find just the right shoes, or at least keep trying dozens and dozens of shoes on. πŸ™‚

These are the shoes that finally won!

These were a tough second, but mom had to pull the reigns in a bit. (should we be worried?)

And then Pasc turned her magic on–you know, the kind of magic that enlists the BIG BROWN eyes. “What’s a new pair of shoes if you don’t have a new dress to match it?” she says to me.

And when it was all said and done, we went upstairs to the Nordstrom cafe for lunch. Can you believe that my mom and I have been coming to this little cafe since I was in middle school? Pascaline just loves dates with mom at the Nordstrom cafe. And since Nordies is in the process of building a new Nordstrom and will soon be tearing down this special place, we had to ask the waiter to take a picture of us.

(There’s just a little bit more background then I wanted in the shot, but it’ll work.)

There you have it! All about being seven these days: shoes, dresses, and going out for lunch. A lot like being six with just a bit more sass involved. πŸ™‚ What could be better than documenting stories like this?


To learn more about me visit About Me Ra.

To order our new DVDs, Refuse to Say Cheese: Capture the Story and Beyond the Green Box: Understanding Your Digital SLR, click the titles!!

For information on Me Ra’s popular photography workshops visit “Documenting a Child’s Life.”

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Mom’s, don’t miss the new 101 Kit, The Mom’s Survival 101 Kit: How to Survive as a Mom While Juggling Family and Dreams!

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  1. Amanda Mays says:

    Awesome shoes pascaline!!! What a great mommy & me special day!

  2. Denise says:

    I LOVE these photos! All of them! and the shoes are too cute

  3. kelli says:

    Sooooo darling..I have to laugh because my nieces are the same age and it is so spot on the same way with them. And son is about to turn 4 in July and I can totally relate.

  4. Dorian says:

    My daughter is all about dresses. The shoe thing hasn’t started. All to soon I’m sure. I love when you post about the kids.

  5. Liza says:

    She is so beautiful…there’s nothing better than a mother daughter day out! I can’t wait until my little girl is old enough for these kind of days. Or maybe I can? πŸ˜‰

  6. Lauren says:

    Soooo adorable! My little girl is nearly 8 months old and I am making little lists for myself of special things to do for her as she is growing up that will give her special memories. Things like when she loses her first tooth, the Tooth Fairy will leave a $2 bill. I think Breakfast In Bed and special shopping trips with Mom on birthdays is a beautiful idea.

    Happy late birthday to Pasc… and I love her dancing pictures. Twirling is exceptional for little girls and every little girl needs several good Twirling dresses.

    Those green shoes? I need a pair just like them!

  7. Jen Sulak says:

    takes me back to being 7….my mom got me a bike…it was a great pink powder puff bike….:):):):) very SWEET!!!!! πŸ™‚

  8. Misty says:

    Awe…Happy Belated Birthday Pascaline! I love your taste in shoes!

  9. You make me wish my daughter was turning 7. (Actually, she just turned 10, but she’d love all of that!)

  10. Rach says:

    She’s so sophisticated yet still such a little girl [in a good way not like in the toddler/preschool way…my girl is only 5 and a half years old and a self-proclaimed “big” girl, not little.] Love the shots of her glamming it up and twirling!

    New shoes,…new dress,…I’d want a bag too. =)

    Lovely photos! [you should have slipped the waiter your web address to get the Refuse to say cheese DVDs!] =)

  11. Susanne Pedro says:

    I am looking forward to spending time like this with my girls! Soooo darling…. though I can wait…. with a 7 month old and a 3 year old…they are already growing up too fast πŸ™

    Loved the shoes and the first dress BTW, do they make that dress in my size? πŸ˜‰

  12. I didn’t know turning 7 could be so much fun! πŸ™‚

  13. Michelle says:

    SHOES!!! Who doesn’t love a great pair of shoes? πŸ™‚ No matching purse, huh? LOL

  14. Marian says:

    This is exactly why I have to come to your blog everyday. It is just so fun and real to look at your pictures and read what’s going on with you. I remember the story from Pascaline’s 6th birthday when she wanted to go out to tea with just the girls. I thought that was so sweet. But this year is sweet too!

  15. Molly says:

    Even if there’s more background than you’d have preferred, think about when Pascaline is all grown up and you two can’t remember the atmosphere of the place you two used to go when she was a little girl. In terms of memories, the wider angle with the background really preserves the sense of time-and-space a lot better than a close-up would have done! That’s one of the great things about what we do…our images capture memories and details that our minds soon forget!