Photo Tips

Photography Exercise! Less is More!

Me Ra Koh

Today is the second Monday of the month which means there is a NEW Photography Exercise at the SOAR! blog this morning!  Yeah!!

I’m teaching on the concept of Less is More, and how to apply this to our images.  I’m not talking about cropping your images on the computer.  That works in the beginning, but what happens when you shoot a Portrait Shoot or Wedding and you have to crop on thousands of images?  No, it’s better to break that habit now and start practicing the concept of Less is More.  It’s all about how to frame out all that you can to make the story even more powerful—or simply show another take on the story.

For example, how do you take this wide angle photo and incorporate the concept of Less is More?  See the results on the SOAR! blog today!


Me Ra

p.s.  I hope you all had a WONDERFUL Mother’s Day yesterday!  We had a full weekend.  Saturday was Blaze’s GI JOE birthday with Brian dressed up as Commander Chief (oh yeah, photos of that are coming!  :)), and yesterday was a total surprise that Brian coordinated.  Tell you later!


To learn more about capturing Story Telling Elements that you can capture with your camera, check out our Award Winning DVDS, Refuse to Say Cheese and Beyond the Green Box!  You have until this Wednesday to get 20% off all DVDs and 101 Kits in honor of Mother’s Day!  Use the promo code: mamalove.


  1. jeramy says:

    i hope you had a great weekend. can’t wait to see the “commander” photos. 🙂 take care.

  2. Rhonda says:

    I can’t wait to hear all about what Brian cooked up for you and to see the GI Joe party pictures. Now I’m off to the Soar blog to read more about the assignment…

  3. Julie Watts says:

    Ooh, this is my kind of topic! I LOVE composition, negative space, and how it all comes together. I am so curious to know what everyone thinks of this exercise. It is sure to broaden ones scope as a storyteller…

  4. Hello, I came to this blog from searching Yahoo and just wanted to say thank you for the good tips. I will try to follow it. Thank you!