Photo Tips

Contest Extended Until Tonight!

Me Ra Koh

It’s the morning after our wonderful 2 day workshop. Brian and I didn’t want the weekend to ever end! What an amazing group of people. I can’t wait to show you images later this week! (If you were one our beautiful attendees, can you send us your favorite images from the weekend by Wed.?)

Contest Extension!

For those of you who have images to send in for the Pumpkin Contest, we are extending it until the end of today @ 5pm Pacific Time. We got SO MANY submissions that the mailbox filled up over the weekend!! And since we were teaching the workshop (or at the hospital with Blaze’s broken collar bone–more on that later…what a full weekend :)), we didn’t know the account had filled.

So Brian fixed it this morning, and if you couldn’t email us your image before, you can now. Send them to

We’ll post the finalists tomorrow!! 🙂 And some lucky winner is getting a new Sony camera!!!


  1. Jen Sulak says:

    sweet, maybe i can still find a pumpkin patch somewhere! lol
    so far, i just have a pumpkin “box”…so not really that inspiring i think LOL 🙂

    ready to vote!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO!

  2. Megan says:

    I know it’s coming, oh sure Halloween and the Pumpkin Patch pictures and more creative, smart pictures of beauty from genius photographers at the workshop this weekend, BRING THEM ON… but something tells me that WE are going to see documentation of Blaze’s trip to the ER!!!?? I am sorry to hear that he got tripped up or had a rough landing as Spiderman. I hope he is on the mend. I am also dying to know what the hospital people thought when Blaze and his “camera crew” showed up!

  3. Jess Niles says:

    Oh man, we have to wait a whole ‘nother day!? We’ll let you off the hook since Blaze hurt himself. (Hope he’s doing okay…a broken collarbone sounds painful. Ouch! Here’s to a speedy recovery.)

  4. sharon says:

    OH! Is Blaze okay? Poor little guy! And poor you! Glad to hear that your workshops went well…

  5. Jennie Edwards says:

    Super interested in your next workshop!!! When is the next beginner workshop scheduled for?

  6. Liza says:

    Happy to hear that the workshop went well…but poor Blaze! Ouch! A broken collar bone? My prayers and thoughts are with you all!

  7. Sue Christianson says:

    Hi Me Ra,
    Blaze! Did this happen during a spiderman flight?? Hope you get better quick!
    Sounds like you guys had a great but very eventful weekend. Hope he gets better quick! See you Friday!!! 🙂

  8. Megan says:

    Oh my gosh the horror…I made poor broken Blazey into Spiderman and he most SURELY, DEFINITELY is SUPERMAN!!! How could I mess that up….I guess I wasn’t thinking at all is what it was….

  9. Jonathan says:

    Aw, hope he’s all right!