Photo Tips

Free Shootsac!!!

Me Ra Koh

If you haven’t discovered her, you must! Jessica Claire is amazing! Her work with color is stunning, her blog is addicting! You just have to see it for yourself, and I promise you will be a better person and photographer for it. I could seriously go on and on about all the things I admire about Jessica. Even this week, she totally blessed me. We’ve been looking for a few things to finish off our products and new site, and her connections saved me so, so, so much time!

AND in the midst of her crazy schedule, she has created something that women are going nuts over! The first fashionable, hip camera bag: Shootsac! Check it out!

She has several different shootsac covers on her site! You must see them ALL b/c they are just too great! And the coolest part is that she loves the moms here! Jessica and I talked in Vegas last March, and she was so excited about moms getting into photography.

She has generously shipped us a box of her beautiful Shootsacs for giveaways at the workshops!

That’s right ladies! For all of you coming tomorrow to the Beginner Workshop, we’ll have the bag in the top right corner to give away!

And there is going to be a BIG discount for attendees! Just one of the surprises for the workshops! If you’re not a workshop attendee and want a BIG discount too, she hinted for people to be checking her blog next week! 🙂

Thank you Jess! You’re AWESOME!! We love you!

To see a fun video on her Shootsac that Dane Sanders, Jessica and Mike Colon did, go here!


  1. Misty says:

    I just got my Shootsac, and I love it! Not only that…they have AMAZING customer service! =)

  2. jen says:

    i was lucky enough to receive a shootsac for my birthday and use it all the time! i took it on vacation and slipped personal items in some of the pockets so i could have everything with me and not lug a huge bag. it’s for more that photo shoots! i’m not a mom but i think it’s perfect for moms who love to have their camera on them!

  3. Jessica N says:

    I got one when it first launched and it is fantastic!! Stylish, comfy, and functional 🙂

    Have a GREAT WORKSHOP this weekend ladies!!! I hope we didn’t use up all our sunshine today. It’s just beautiful out there.

  4. Dorian says:

    Are there any discounts for us early birds that were at the September beginners workshop?

  5. Denise says:

    I’m already totally addicted to her blog – her photos are indeed amazing!!

  6. Ang in TX says:

    Oooh! I wish I was going to be there.

  7. jenny says:

    i love her blog. i love her photography. i need a shootsac. it is actually on my wish list!

  8. Pam says:

    I got my Shootsac last week and LOVE it! I went on an adventure that required some hiking so the sac came in very handy! No way could I have made it up the hill over the rocky terrain with my regular camera bag. If you don’t have one I suggest you get one NOW!
    I also let them know that I found them thru your site here Me Rah.

  9. Me Ra says:

    Dorian, you can totally take advantage of her special. Just keep checking Jessica’s blog this week for the details!

    And Pam, thanks for telling Jess that you found her through us! She, like the rest of us, find so much value in knowing how you found us! You’re AWESOME!

  10. tammy c says:

    Any Shootsac left for the Advance Workshop coming up? :)~ (drooling)
    I would love to see one in person.

  11. Sandra Garvin says:

    I am Sandra and my company is Mom & Me Embroidery Bees. We have been making shootsac covers with your personal logo on it. If you have any companies that want their logo put on a camera bag cover or a shootsac cover please forward my email address to them. I can furnish either references or photos of the logos we have done.
    Our covers for a camera bag can be made any size and we furnish fusible Velcro for you to put on your camera bag. The shootsac covers are 13″ x 13″. We have several materials and can digitize the logos on them. These have a Velcro strip at the top that matches the strip on the shootsac.
    We sell these covers for $35.00 which includes shipping and handing.
    My email address is:
    Thanks, Sandra

  12. Whoa, awesome read. I just now clicked a link to your website and am already a fan. 🙂

  13. Thank You forrrr that article ! Go on! posting posts like that