Video Podcasts

Survey Says!!!

Me Ra Koh

86% of you visiting this blog are WOMEN!! ๐Ÿ™‚ You are made up of moms, brides and professional women photographers!

68% of you are MOMS!

Since you moms are a huge part of the visitors, this video is for you!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Get ready to laugh out loud! I have no idea who this mom is b/c the video was a forward, but she is AMAZING!!!

But, but, but, there is a growing audience of dads too!! This is so cool!!! This last week I’ve received a few emails from dads on how much they are loving the first DVD, and wow, I can’t tell you how thrilling it is to hear! Keep the dads coming…maybe we’ll do a Dad’s Beginner Workshop in 2008!

67% requested “More Photography Tips for Parents”. All I can say is “YIPPEE! You got it!!” I know I love posting them, but it’s so great to hear that so many of you love reading them.

The next two big groups said they wanted more personal posts on our family and more business tips to starting your own photography business.

This feedback is so valuable! You have no idea!!! My mind is flooded with things to post in the coming weeks! Expect a few more quick surveys in the next couple weeks. We are in the midst of building out our new product site (tentatively going live in November with lots of surprises!).

Instead of trying to guess what you all want, you can just tell us!



  1. Ang in TX says:

    Hey Mera,

    I’m going to keep popping in to see if I can use any of your “Photography Tips for Parents” on my cow’s calves. I’m sure the momma cows will be truly appreciative. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I believe you sent me an e-mail but when I opened it it was empty and I have tried resending but it bounces back…

  2. Hi Me Ra!
    The awesome clip is Anita Renfroe, from her Total Mom Sense Video! We plan to show it at MOPS in the near future – LOVE IT!

  3. jenny says:

    that was a great idea to do a survey! sweet clip!

  4. Me Ra says:

    thanks Camille for the name on this awesome woman!! I love her!!!