Me Ra Koh, known for being a Disney Host, Sony Artisan, Live with Kelly, and her studio's Rising Phoenix Experience

I seldom talk about this part of my journey, but I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately with the different Rising Phoenixes who come. When I was 8 or 9 years old, the doctors found a genetic mutation in my jaw. Think of TMJ at an extreme level. Reconstructive surgery was going to be […]

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a blog about effectiveness vs satisfied, self portrait of Me Ra Koh

Learn two more ways you can intentionally engage with your word for the year in thinking about effectiveness vs satisfied.

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5 Ways to Engage Your Word for the Year by Me Ra Koh, Sony Artisan of Imagery

Have you ever chosen a word for the year? It’s one of my favorite traditions! Here are 5 ways to engage your word for the year.

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Protection from the Storm Within when Fear Overwhelms Us during the Coronavirus. Me Ra Koh Photography

Ancient shepherds used to anoint their sheep with oil for protection. Learn how you can take this metaphor and find protection from the storm within.

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Me Ra Koh NYC Gallery Opening Night

We are so excited to share our photography exhibit at Sony Square in NYC! The name of our gallery is “A Different Life” and shares the visual story of how we not only decided to homeschool our kids but make the world their classroom. Some people call it worldschooling, a family traveling the world, but […]

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Why I Loved Turning 40. Wisdom and food for the soul from Me Ra Koh.

I was nervous about turning 40.  That anxiety was turning into heaviness. When I told my girlfriend, she said something I’ll never forget. Since she’s a pastor she started with biblical symbolism.  She reminded me of how monumental the number forty is in the Bible.  Forty is symbolic of testing.  The Israelite’s wandered for forty […]

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